IDE for GO
There are quite a few IDE choices for Go. I’m not going to list them all, but here are my prefered ones with the reasoning behind it. The free option VS code is my main IDE as of late. It does not matter if I code Go or Node, I always prefer to go with VS code. I used to use Atom for it’s extensibility and the amount of packages avaialble. But recently, I’ve felt that the quality of packages and the editor itself is better on VS code. That might be due to the fact that it has the backing of Microsoft. Personal experience shows, that open source products backed by huge companies tend to do better over time. It’s no surprised that VS code has exploded recently and the amount of extensions available now is pretty darn amazing. All you need to do is intall a Go extension and you’re ready to… well… Go. While it’s not as fast as sublime or other light weight editors I find it pretty snappy for small to medium sized projects. Microsoft’s intellisense is pretty damn good. Getting delve also allows for debugging inside it, albeit delve itself seems a bit sluggish and unresponsive. That’s probably a general rant of mine with go - the debuggers seem to be rather poor. Despite this, I really love VS code for the ability to support pretty much any language you can think of. ...