Moving from Jenkins to Drone

I’ve written in the past that this blog is a playground for me to try various tools and play with code around it. Jenkins has been my choice as the CI for it since the start, mostly since it was something I’m used to. However, I’ve also stated that running it on an old laptop with no real backups is a recipe for disaster. I have since rectified the issue by hiding the laptop under a box in a closet but that meant moving away from Jenkins to something that’s lighter and more portable. The choice is the self-hosted enterprise edition of Drone.

The setup

Drone consists of two parts - server and agents. The server handles auth, users, secret management, handles hooks for source control and orchestrates the work for agents. The agents are responsible for actually executing the workflows they receive from the server. This basically means that you can have workers anywhere as long as they can reach the drone server. Drone is written in Go and is extremely lightweight. This means that it has an extremely low memory requirements which is of great advantage to me as I’m trying to keep the costs to a minimum. The server I’m running takes up around 15MB of memory while the worker takes 14MB. Everything is dockerized so it’s super easy to deploy as well.

My setup consists of a server running in an AWS EC2 instance and a worker running at home in a MSI Cubi Silent NUC I’ve recently acquired. The Raspberry I’ve used for jenkins is also a great candidate to run a worker but due to the workloads I throw at it(lots of disk io - the sd card can’t handle that. Looking at you - javascript.) it’s less than ideal in my situation. I’ll keep it on hand just in case I need more workers. The old laptop could also be a candidate here for the future. That’s part of the joy with Drone - you can literally run it anywhere.

Drone looks for a .drone.yml file in an enabled repository. It’s in this file that you specify your pipeline. What makes drone great is that you can actually run the pipeline locally, using the drone cli. It makes testing the builds super easy. That’s a huge contrast to what I’m used to with Jenkins(Disclaimer: I might just be a scrub, I’m not hating on Jenkins). What this also means is that you really don’t need to worry about storing the jobs themselves anywhere as they are just as safe as the rest of your code in your source control. Hopefully anyway.

The steps in the pipeline are run in docker containers which are thrown out after the pipeline is done. It means that the jobs are nice and reproducible. And while I hate YAML the pipelines are quite easy to understand. Click for a look at an example.

The verdict

I like it. Drone seems to be on a really good path towards becoming an excellent CI tool. There’s things missing though. It seems a bit basic. Things like the lack of global secrets(they are now defined per-repo instead or I didn’t manage to find them) or proper documentation as the current one seems a bit lacking. Took me quite a while to get my first proper job running and I’ve only managed that after I’ve looked at a few examples on the internet, rather than the docs. There’s also the question of pricing. The website is not super clear on the pricing, but from what I gather, the enterprise edition is free as long as you run less than 15000 jobs per year. The pricing afterwards is per user at an unknown rate. Anyways, I should be covered as I probably run less than 500 jobs per year and do not plan on adding new ones any time soon. There’s also the lack of option to run multiple different jobs from the same repository, which leads to a pattern on many small repo’s appearing on my source control. I’m not too fond of that and wish there was a way to schedule quite a few jobs from a single repo.

Nonetheless, once you get the hang of it Drone seems to be a powerful tool. The UI is crisp, deploying it is easy and it runs on a potato. Everything I like from my CI installation. As for the lacking features - I’m sure they are coming soon™.

I’ll keep this space updated with my latest projects running on drone. Stay tuned!

Have you used Drone? Do you prefer something else? Do let me know in the comments below.
